I was chatting with a colleague at work who’d asked me if I know anywhere they could get their genome or exome sequenced. My genome has been sat in the freezer for over five years wanting to go onto a flow cell, but I’ve never been comfortable putting it on our own machines. I did get 23andMe’d a few years ago but they’ve closed the exome for now.

Today there are many sequencing service providers across the world. Would any of them be open to a consumer led project? How many genomes/exomes would we need to sequence to get a price consumers were willing to pay? To test the market we’ve used AllSeq: “the global sequencing marketplace”, and a couple of replies have now come in!


So far only two providers have responded, one saying they don’t do consumer genomics, the other offering genomes at $1799 (we’re still waiting to hear about exome costs). We’ll wait  a bit longer to see what other replies come in but it certainly seems to me that the era of consumer personalised genomics is here, and that this is only likely to grow in the next few years. The other person I’m doing this with is a bioinformatician so is happy with the raw data; I’ll be aiming to run some of Illumina’s tools on BaseSpace for genomes and exomes.

If there are other people with similar experiences please get in touch with your stories.
If you are a service provider and you’d like to discuss pricing please get in touch. We’d be very happy to write up a piece for CoreGenomics on the experience (for a discount obviously).