Over the last two days there has been what I would consider one of the best meetings this year for Cancer genome sequencing scientists; and it is right on my doorstep! The Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute (CRI) symposium this year focuses on the “Unanswered questions in Cancer sequencingâ€. The organisers have assembled a who’s who of Cancer genome experts including Mike Stratton, Elaine Mardis, Barbara Wold and Carlos Caldas.
Session 1: Cancer genome sequencing
Session 2: Challenges facing the computational biology of cancer sequencing
Session 2: Challenges facing the computational biology of cancer sequencing
Unfortunately four of the speakers could not make it, mostly due to hurricane Sandy! Gaddy Getz (Director of cancer genome computational analysis at the Broad Institute), Bradley Bernstein (Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital) and Garry Nolan (Stanford University). At the last minute Unfortunately Barbara Wold (CalTech), who flew all the way and escaped hurricane Sandy, was kept in her hotel room by flu! During his introduction of the final session Carlos Caldas showed a photgraph sent by Bradley Berstein of his house which had a tree fall on it during hurricane Sandy, it looks like he had a lucky escape as no-one was hurt.
Who put the conference together: Thanks very much to Prof Shankar Balasubramanian, Prof Carlos Caldas, Dr Jason Carroll and Prof Simon Tavaré for putting on such an exciting meeting. I have serialised the meeting in four more blog posts, one for each session which you can read by following the link in each session title.
Welcome from Bruce Ponder
Introduction of the Chair by Shankar Balasubramanian (session organiser)
Mike Stratton, The evolution of the cancer genome
Sean Grimmond, Cohort and personalised cancer genome studies of pancreatic cancer
**Seishi Ogawa, Genetic analysis of myeloid neoplasms in childhood
Binay Panda, Landscape of genetic changes in oral tongue squamous carcinoma
Carlos López-OtÃn, The genomic landscape of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Levi Garraway, Models of tumour evolution: biological and therapeutic implications
Introduction of the chair by Simon Tavaré
Ewan Birney, ENCODE: Understanding our genome
Jan Korbel, Mechanisms of genomic structural variation in germline and cancer
Elaine Mardis, Genomic heterogeneity in cancer cells
**HyunChul Jung, Systematic survey of cancer-associated somatic SNPs
Elliott Margulies, Delivering clinically relevant genome information
Richard Durbin, Human genetic variation: from population sequencing to cellular function
Introduction of the Chair by Carlos Caldas (session organiser)
Barbara Wold, The genomics discovery path from TCGA and TARGET to the clinic…and back
Lori Friedman, Overcoming resistance to targeted therapies in breast cancer
Peter Lichter, Sequencing of paediatric brain tumours: From molecular profiles to clinical translation
**Marlous Hoogstraat, The Dutch Centre for personalised cancer treatment: moving towards implementation of next-gen into clinical decision making
Nitzan Rosenfeld, Circulating tumour DNA as a non-invasive tool for cancer diagnostics and research
Bruce Ponder, How can we use knowledge of genetic variation?
Introduction of the Chair by Jason Carroll (session organiser)
Carlos Caldas, Functional genomics of cancer: perturbation experiments in the lab and in the clinic
René Bernards, Finding effective combination therapies for cancer through functional genetics
Dale Porter, Using genomic data coupled with preclinical response data to guide clinical development of IAP antagonists
**Rebecca McIntyre, High-throughput functional validation of candidate colorectal cancer genes
Jason Carroll, Understanding oestrogen receptor transcription in breast cancer
**Talks selected from submitted abstracts
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Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life…
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