AGBT is over and what a meeting it was. I have never been to a conference where it felt like everyone, and it really did feel like everyone was talking about the same thing over lunch. Oxford Nanopore made a big impact.
There has been some great coverage of AGBT and I’d encourage you to take a look:
Dan Kobolt over at MassGenomics had some the best coverage I read. I spoke to Dan at the meeting and we discussed finding the time to post. I am not sure where he found the time this year, AGBT was busy. The guy does not sleep!
Nick Loman has a great round up of other blogs and I wont regurgitate it here so follow this link.
The number of hits I got on my blog made the efforts I put in very worthwhile (thanks for taking a look) but I am not sure I’ll try to cover a meeting in the same way again. I put the notes together for internal use and thought it would be simple to strip out anything I wanted to keep quiet and tidy it up for posting on Core Genomics. However it was really hard to get it out in good time. I enjoy my blog posts and certainly don’t want Core Genomics to put me under the same pressure as writing a paper!
This is supposed to be fun after all.
PS: I won an iPad 2 at the conference with RainDance and my kids were so happy. I entered most of the competitions at AGBT and take the view that as there are only about 1000 people at the meeting the odds must be quite good. Drop your business card in next time and see what you come home with!
Really i haven't any idea about kale. I heard this first time.