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Proteomics. Proteomics. Proteomics.
What does UK Biobank's Pharma Proteomics election of Olink + Ultima Genomics NGS mean for proteomics researchers, and for the wider genomics community? Does it create a new Olink monopoly on NGS-proteommics? And what's the impact on NGS [...]
@tagomics epigenomic profiling of non-methylated CpG’s
A new company, Tagomics, have a very interesting pre-print: Epigenomic profiling of active regulatory elements by enrichment of unmodified CpG dinucleotides that describes their novel epigenomic profiling approach called "Active-Seq", a bisulfite-free method designed to enrich unmethylated DNA as opposed to [...]
2024 @novonordiskfond prize to Solexa: This is why we need a pub at Addenbrookes
NGS would not exist without the important discussions at The Panton Arms where Illumina Next-Generation sequencing was invented...sort of. Professors Sir David Klenerman and Sir Shankar Balasubramanian are being honoured with the 2024 Novo Nordisk Prize for their pioneering work on [...]
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