
A Single-Nucleus RNA-Seq from Frozen Tissues

Nuc-Seq is an RNA sequencing technique optimized for isolating and sequencing nuclear RNA from frozen tissue samples (Krishnaswami et al., 2016). Nuc-Seq avoids proteolytic treatment during nuclei dissociation from cells, minimizing gene expression changes resulting from common protease dissociation procedures; this step is similar to the one used in snRNA-seq. Next, Smart-seq2 is used for cDNA synthesis, increasing the full-length cDNA yield due to its template-switching mechanism. Finally, the sequencing library is prepared using Tn5 transposase tagmentation.

Similar methods: snRNA-seq, Div-Seq


  • Nonproteolytic nuclear dissociation minimizes gene expression changes during isolation of nuclei
  • Template-switching mechanism of Smart-seq2 during cDNA synthesis increases the yield of full-length cDNA strands
  • FACS isolation increases throughput
  • RNA from frozen nuclei gives better cDNA quality than cytoplasmic RNA
  • Can be used on frozen tissues


  • Excludes any information from cytoplasmic RNA
  • Low-copy transcripts are hard to detect due to low amounts of isolated nucleolar RNA
  • ncRNAs and other short non-poly(A) RNA species are challenging to detect


Illumina Library prep and Array Kit Selector


Jennings C. G., Landman R., Zhou Y., et al. Opportunities and challenges in modeling human brain disorders in transgenic primates. Nat Neurosci. 2016;19:1123-1130


Krishnaswami S. R., Grindberg R. V., Novotny M., Venepally P., Lacar B., et al. Using single nuclei for RNA-seq to capture the transcriptome of postmortem neurons. Nat Protoc. 2016;11:499-524