Shortly after writing my post on Authorship and acknowledgement of core facility work I was pointed to the GATC Top publications of 2014. Here GATC list the papers where their sequencing (and other) services have been used and acknowledged.

Congratulations GATC: four Nature and one Cancer Cell papers in your 2014 Top 5 can’t be bad!

The number of acknowledgements keeps going up, and it was interesting to see what the breakdown of application type was for the papers GATC listed (I’ve no idea if this is an edited list of if there is any bias in the collection of data). Almost a third of papers over the past six years are genomes (nearly all small ones) or targeted re-sequencing. However if you look at just 2013 and 2014 then targeted re-sequencing made up over 75% of the acknowledged work. I was surprised how little of the work was RNA- or ChIP-seq as these are both big requests for my lab, and there were no exomes acknowledged, but I guess this goes to show how different labs can be.

There is no mention of the technology used but I’d be interested to find out if the target re-sequencing is on Illumina or Ion Torrent!